Nick Roumel and Ned Macey won a recent victory in the 6th Circuit Court of Appeals, representing the plaintiff in the case of Gholston vs. Wayne County Airport Authority, et al. Maurice Gholston, an employee of the airport McDonald’s, was engaged in a good-faith dispute with his employer about his hours and eligibility for health insurance that escalated into a physical altercation with several airport police. Mr. Gholston alleges he was repeatedly chased, assaulted, and handcuffed, causing him to suffer several taser burns, a chipped tooth, and a serious wrist injury. After the district court judge, Avern Cohn, denied defendants’ motion to dismiss on the basis of governmental immunity, defendants appealed. In a unanimous decision on July 28, 2014, the Court of Appeals denied the appeal and returned the case to the district court for trial.
This is the second 6th Circuit victory this year for Mr. Macey and Mr. Roumel, who previously won reversal of a pregnancy discrimination case that was wrongly dismissed, Latowski v. Northwoods.