On November 14, 2014, an Aetna Inc. employee filed a collective action overtime lawsuit in the United States District Court for the District of Connecticut to recover unpaid overtime wages from her employer. Aetna is one of the nation’s largest publicly traded health and supplemental benefits companies, providing health insurance benefits under health maintenance organization (HMO), Private Fee-For-Service (PFFS), and preferred provider organization (PPO) plans.
The Plaintiff brought her case on behalf of herself and other appeals nurse consultants and appeals examiners who worked for Aetna in offices across the country. In the complaint, she alleges that Aetna misclassified her and her co-workers as exempt employees, denying them of overtime compensation. According to the complaint, appeals nurse consultants do not satisfy any of the exemptions permitted under the Fair Labor Standards Act.
Plaintiff’s attorney Rachhana T. Srey of Nichols Kaster, PLLP explains, “Appeals nurse consultants like Plaintiff work a lot of overtime hours and perform duties that legally entitle them to extra pay for these hours. Employers like Aetna cannot deny employees of their legal rights simply by paying them a salary.”
Plaintiffs are represented by Rachhana T. Srey and Rebekah L. Bailey of Nichols Kaster, PLLP, and David M. Blanchard of Nacht, Roumel & Walker, P.C. The case is entitled, Isett v. Aetna Inc., 3:14-cv-01698-RNC (District of Connecticut).
Additional information about how appeals nurse consultants may make a claim in the case may be found by contacting David Nacht or calling Nacht Law toll-free at 866-965-2488.