Indiana is in the news for passing a religious freedom law that many perceive to be a law that promotes discrimination against homosexuals. In Michigan, however, it remains legal to discriminate against Gays and Lesbians in employment, housing, education or providing services. We already have a law that protects people from religious discrimination.
As civil rights lawyers, we care deeply about the rights of religious groups to avoid discrimination AND the right of the GLBT community to avoid discrimination. This firm has creatively represented Gays in an effort to find legal protection against job discrimination. But nothing short of legislative action by Congress or the State Legislature will prevent employers from firing people based on their sexual orientation.
Nacht Law has also represented Christians forced to work on the Sabbath; Muslims facing discrimination for wearing religious clothing; and we remain committed to protecting religious rights.
As Americans, we believe in freedom and in protecting individual choice. Sometimes, however, our choices come into conflict. Our culture has already shifted to the point that most Michiganders believe it wrong to fire people based on sexual orientation. Last session, a bill to protect the LGBT community from discrimination failed to pass the Michigan Legislature. It is way past time that the Legislature took action to protect ALL people from discrimination.
Mike Pence’s full statement on Religious Freedom Restoration Act
For information or questions regarding this post readers can contact the author David Nacht.