This article, "When the Police Become Prosecutors" in The New York Times, taught me something about the criminal law I had no idea existed. In some states, many thousands of misdemeanor cases are brought by police officers without lawyers as prosecutors. The article,...
Good Judgment. Wise Counsel. Aggressive Representation.
Criminal Law
Corruption in the bargaining process
If you haven't been following this tale of corruption, this article, "FCA spent $15K on steak dinners for UAW", in The Detroit News, lays out the main point. Just like salespeople woo their customers, Chrysler executives wooed UAW leaders with meals and gifts before a...
NachtLaw beats the University of Michigan in federal court
In a decision today, a federal judge ruled Professor Pamela Smock could proceed in her case that she was denied due process because the University punished her without allowing her to cross-examine her accusers. The decision will require the University to change its...
Where an individual’s liberty is at stake
The essence of any community is determining who is in it and what are its governing values and process. Our governing values are our constitution, which includes a suspicion of governmental power, and provides rights to "persons" in the country. These rights are...
You don’t deserve to be harassed for making a rational parental choice
This article, "Motherhood in the Age of Fear", by Kim Brooks is long overdue. I have previously blogged about the irrational fears of modern American parents, and the harm we do by not letting our kids explore. (See blog post, "Let us teach our children to be curious...
Why is due process important?
Why is due process important? After all, It is so frustrating to slow down the execution of the law. Let us suppose an American lawful resident who lives near the southern border and speaks little English, has a beautiful wife whom his neighbor covets. Let us suppose...
Supreme Court Ruling – Police Need Warrants for Driveway Searches
Legal precedent is reasoning by analogy. Step by step the law develops. In the 1950s-70s, the Supreme Court expanded the Fourth Amendment to limit police power and preserve freedom. In the 1980s until about six years ago, the Court ruled often in favor of the police...
Is Michigan State’s Nassar Settlement Fake News for Some Survivors?
On May 16, 2018, Michigan State University announced that after several rounds of mediation, they had reached a "$500 million global settlement" on behalf of survivors of disgraced former MSU doctor Larry Nassar. The terms stated that $425 million would be paid to the...
Job Applications and your Criminal Past
The Detroit Lions recently found themselves in the midst of a firestorm when it was discovered that their new football coach, Matt Patricia, had been arrested in 1996 for a felony sexual assault. All charges were dropped before trial, and the case was dismissed....
A critical moment in Mueller investigation of the President
The President is changing lawyers. He is not likely to ask me so I am happy to discuss his situation. Too many commentators on the Mueller investigation do so from a partisan perspective. This is a legal investigation and Mueller is a professional prosecutor. For now,...