A manager at the Detroit Zoo filed a federal lawsuit Friday alleging he was fired for refusing to open concession stands after Gov. Gretchen Whitmer banned large gatherings of people amid the coronavirus outbreak. "Defendant in bad-faith, wrongfully, maliciously, and...
Good Judgment. Wise Counsel. Aggressive Representation.
Employment Law
COVID-19 and the FMLA
The Federal Family and Medical Leave Act requires that employers with 50 or more employees provide 12 weeks of unpaid leave to eligible employees. You will be eligible for FMLA leave if you worked for your employer for at least a year, and have worked 1,250 hours in...
Young Workers Seeking Mental Health Accommodations
One of the things we do at NachtLaw is counsel students and employees grappling with mental health disability. Increasingly, as the linked article below shows, workers are not afraid to seek accommodations. Historically, the fear of stigma prevented many employees...
Ann Arbor Google employees protest sexual harassment with walkout
Google employees throughout the U.S., including those working in Michigan, walked out from their workplaces in protest of the company's alleged treatment of women executives. According to The Detroit News, more than 100 employees at Google's Ann Arbor location walked...
NachtLaw Represents Professors Under Investigation
The US Government is currently investigating Chinese American researchers in a variety of fields who get funding from Chinese institutions. This Washington Post article, "Scrutiny of Chinese American scientists raises fears of ethnic profiling", raises the perspective...
Navigating IDEA for Parents
A federal law, the Individuals With Disabilities in Education Act or IDEA, requires schools to work with parents cooperatively to educate kids with disabilities. I have represented parents in this process from time to time over the years. Generally, I try to stay out...
Do you have the impostor syndrome?
The imposter syndrome is a feeling that is disproportionately common among women and minorities in the workplace. It is a nagging doubt that you are not good enough, do not belong or are “faking it until you make it.” It can impact your ability to do your job,...
Why doctors should seek employment contract review
One young primary care physician had received an offer and was in the process of moving. That all changed when she learned a provision in the contract would limit how she could spend her free time. A wave of mergers has increased the percentage of Catholic-owned or...
Corruption in the bargaining process
If you haven't been following this tale of corruption, this article, "FCA spent $15K on steak dinners for UAW", in The Detroit News, lays out the main point. Just like salespeople woo their customers, Chrysler executives wooed UAW leaders with meals and gifts before a...
NachtLaw beats the University of Michigan in federal court
In a decision today, a federal judge ruled Professor Pamela Smock could proceed in her case that she was denied due process because the University punished her without allowing her to cross-examine her accusers. The decision will require the University to change its...