Good Judgment. Wise Counsel. Aggressive Representation.

Employees Have A Right To Privacy

You have a right to privacy, even as an employee. These on-the-job rights are limited but only by legitimate employer interests. If you suspect that your employer has violated your rights, an attorney can help you understand your privacy rights and ensure that those rights are protected. At NachtLaw, we are dedicated to protecting the privacy rights of employees throughout Michigan. We offer experienced representation and knowledgeable legal advice to employees. Contact us to discuss your rights with a Michigan and Ohio employee privacy rights attorney.

Understanding Your Privacy Rights

Michigan law provides privacy protections to employees only in limited circumstances. Typically, you have a right to privacy only where you have a reasonable expectation of privacy. In recent years, employers have increasingly announced policies that allow for employee calls, internet use and emails to be monitored. If you are subject to these types of policies, then your reasonable expectation of privacy in the workplace is severely limited. On the other hand, the NLRB and other agencies have found that social networking with co-workers is protected activity. An employer may not retaliate for co-worker communications about the terms and conditions of employment. In Michigan, the Bullard-Plawecki Employee Right To Know Act forbids an employer from gathering or keeping a record of an employee’s associations, political activities, publications or communications of nonemployment activities unless the employee consents. And if an employer does keep such a record, it “shall be part of the personnel record.” This provision is almost completely untested in the courts, and its effect is unclear. If you believe your employer is spying on you outside of work or illegally keeping secret files about your personal lifestyle, associates or your social network posts for co-workers, contact an attorney who will fight for your rights and advocate for a more dignified workplace. We can help you understand, protect and enforce your rights.

Protecting Employee Privacy Rights

For more information or to schedule an appointment, please contact our employee privacy and labor law lawyers. From offices in Toledo, Ann Arbor, Birmingham and Traverse City, the attorneys of NachtLaw serve communities throughout Michigan and Ohio. Call us at 866-965-2488.